Society Board Minutes 1-15-19


1/15/19 – Final

The Board members running for re-election were successful, and there was no change to the Board from Elections, or to the Society Officers. Brad Evenson resigned with one year left on his term, and Shelly Ralston, ORV Chapter, was appointed to finish his term. The FRC is beginning to update the Rulebook. The SSC is reviewing magic item activation. Tech is planning a Monster Wiki, i.e. online monster manual. The Constitutional Review Task Force will be tackling the By-Laws next. The Central Ohio Provisional Chapter asked to be dissolved. The Board is reviewing proposed safety rules for manufactured foam weapons for inclusion in the Safety Handbook. Continue reading Society Board Minutes 1-15-19

Society Board Meeting Minutes 10-16-18


10/16/18 – Final

Wherein the FRC is working on the Monk Class, and considering a clarification to the Boon or Bane spell. The SSC plans to develop a new chapter of the Rulebook discussing the activation of spells. ORV and Central Ohio Chapters are running games, and have appointed Registry Chairs. There is talk of setting up a Monster wiki online, to share monsters to assist in game writing. Hope Fountain from ORV was appointed Society Election Chair. Continue reading Society Board Meeting Minutes 10-16-18

Constitutional Amendments

The Constitutional Review Task Force has recommended a series of changes to the Society Constitution. These amendments clean up, modernize and clarify language in the constitution, rather than putting forth any substantial change.  The current constitution, amended in 2016 is available here – Constitution 2016. A marked-up version of this constitution with the new changes inserted is available here – Constitution 2016 amended 2018 marked up


Society Board Minutes 9-12-18


9/12/18 – Final

Wherein the FRC released the new Alchemist Class for playtesting, and discussed the Monk Class. A Game Library Task Force was suggested, but volunteers have yet to be found. Brett Paul announced his return to action on the Tech Committee. Northern Alabama Chapter was interviewed on a “Let’s Connect North Alabama” podcast.ORV and Central Ohio Chapters are running games. Fall Elections are on the horizon, and Society urgently needs an Election Chair. The Ballot will include recommended language changes to the Society Constitution and By-Laws. Continue reading Society Board Minutes 9-12-18

Society Board Minutes 8-15-18


8/15/18 – Final

Wherein the FRC received a draft on a new Alchemist Class. Chris Seals replaced Brad Evenson on the Special Task Force. Northern Alabama Chapter has been contacted by the “Let’s Connect North Alabama” podcast. The Board recommends that the Optional Character Abilities (OCA) remain in the rulebook appendices as optional rules, which chapters can choose to allow if their members are interested. Continue reading Society Board Minutes 8-15-18

Society Board Minutes 7/18/18


7/18/18 – Final

Wherein the FRC is continuing work on the Fighter specialty and is expecting a draft on a new Alchemist Class. A new version of the Registry Handbook was approved, with a clarification in the case of multiple game writers. Updating the Sanctioned Pending Production (SPP) Game Library was discussed. Dallas Chapter is planning a multi-day world course game in October, and inviting other chapters’ members to participate. Continue reading Society Board Minutes 7/18/18