Update from the FRC

The FRC wanted to make all the class changes available to as many people as possible. Here is all the current class spec, minus the monk which is being worked on. Additionally the fighter is due for major changes but here is the current version until those changes are done.

As usual, these are still in play testing so no magic items may be built off of them. Please provide any play test feedback to the FRC when you can and please post these so your individual groups can have them.

Document icon Update from the FRC 2018-05-08

Society Board Minutes 3-20-18


3/20/18 – Final

Wherein the FRC has released Knights for playtesting, and plans to interview two new applicants to the committee. Hughes says Northern Alabama is interested in developing alternative rules for IPV arrow fire, and asked for input. The Tech Committee updated document links on the website. As they intend to shut down the IFGS forum, recommendations for forum conversations to archive should be sent to tech@ifgs.org. The Board Meetings have moved to Discord instead of Skype. The Constitutional Review Task Force has met, and begun their list of recommendations for next fall’s ballot. The SSC and FRC have expiring terms on March 31st, and are in the process of forming their recommendations for those positions. Continue reading Society Board Minutes 3-20-18

Society Board Minutes 2-20-18


2/20/18 – Final

Wherein the FRC has released Druids, and will work on Knights and Monks next, then go through the Rulebook page by page to check for consistency. Society Registry is waiting on Admin CAP reports and registry backups from Chapter Registry Chairs. The Tech Committee intends to close the IFGS forum. Recommendations for forum conversations to archive should be sent to tech@ifgs.org. The Board Meetings will be moving to Discord instead of Skype. The Constitutional Review Task Force has met, and begun their list of recommendations for next fall’s ballot. Committee Chairs are reminded to notify the membership of expiring terms on March 31st, and call for volunteers for those positions. Continue reading Society Board Minutes 2-20-18

Society Board Minutes 1-17-18


1/17/18 – Final

Wherein the new Board was seated, with no change in members from last year. The FRC is about to release Druids, and will work on Knights next. Society Registry is waiting on Admin CAP reports and registry backups from Chapter Registry Chairs. Brett Paul is re-appointed as Tech Committee Chair. The Southern California Provisional Chapter is dissolved. Committee Chairs are reminded to notify the membership of expiring terms on March 31st, and call for volunteers for those positions. Continue reading Society Board Minutes 1-17-18

Society Board Minutes12-13-17


12/13/17 – Final

 Wherein Elections reported current Board Members Brad Evenson, Sarah Gibson and Pat McGehearty won seats to continue their positions on the new Board in January. The FRC has a revision of Bard Class coming out. The SSC is considering updating the Sanctioning Handbook. A new version of the Registry Handbook is approved clarifying Anchor Game CAP. A new Loremaster’s Guide is endorsed. A call will be made for artwork and photos for the 7.x Rulebook. Continue reading Society Board Minutes12-13-17

IFGS film project wins Award

The IFGS received this notice:
“If anyone knows Ray Appling (she is a female), Brett Paul, and David McMillen, let them know the short film project they made (IFGS), where I was the Lead Black Hair Orc 1 (with the big round Grey Shield) won an Official Selection Award from ‘Women’s Only Entertainment Film Festival’.  I’m sure Ray, Brett, and David would love to know this and I can only image how proud of their short film they will be; I know I’m proud of them and I’m honored to have been part of this project.  Ray Appling she is an awesome film director
Here’s the link for their award winning short film (which I was honored to be part of)
Owen Hisle
[Note: This film in the style of a “trailer” was a student project for Ray Appling in 2009]