2/20/18 – Final
Wherein the FRC has released Druids, and will work on Knights and Monks next, then go through the Rulebook page by page to check for consistency. Society Registry is waiting on Admin CAP reports and registry backups from Chapter Registry Chairs. The Tech Committee intends to close the IFGS forum. Recommendations for forum conversations to archive should be sent to tech@ifgs.org. The Board Meetings will be moving to Discord instead of Skype. The Constitutional Review Task Force has met, and begun their list of recommendations for next fall’s ballot. Committee Chairs are reminded to notify the membership of expiring terms on March 31st, and call for volunteers for those positions.
The 2/20/18 Society Board Meeting was called to order at 8:02 p.m. Eastern Time. Present were Board Members John Jones, Brad Evenson, Olan Knight, Pat McGehearty, David Spence, Hugh Greene and Sarah Gibson. Members Melanie Greene, David Gibson & Sarah Cox were present. Clerk Janice Gott was present.
MINUTES: MOTION: To approve the minutes of the 1/17/18 Board Meeting (Knight, Evenson, passed by acclaim).
FRC REPORT: The FRC has published the updates to the Druid class. The next class up for review will be Knights, and then Monks. After that they intend to go through the Rulebook chapter by chapter for consistency and completeness. Jones will be writing up a proposal for rules regarding wards and magic circles and submit it to the FRC.
SSC REPORT: No SSC meeting since the last report, but they are working on a consistent definition of Anchor Games for the Bluebook that will match the Registry Handbook.
REGISTRY: No chapter database backups received.
Society Registry has not received admin CAP reports from Chapter Registry Chairs other than Dallas and Atlanta. Knight reminds everyone that there is a new Registry Form for Anchor Games available in the Registry Handbook v3.26.
TECH COMMITTEE: Jones has discussed with Brett Paul the value of continuing the forum. They are considering archiving it, and moving any useful historical content to the WordPress website. Jones asks that every committee chair check their forum site and recommend any items to save. Greene notes that the ifgs.org website has a lot of broken links to documents. Various “useful documents” pull-downs need to point to the most recent versions.
Jones has created a Discord Server for the IFGS, with voice and text channels for the Board and several committees. This can replace Skype for meetings. These channels are persistent; you can talk and chat on them at any time with whoever is there, rather than having a moderator call everyone into the meeting. Members thought there was an App or Bot that allowed one to call in from a phone, although most attendees will certainly choose to use Discord from their computer. Discord was originally set up for Online gaming. Once the Board is familiar with it, an invitation will be sent to the general membership to join the IFGS channel.
GENERAL PROMOTIONS: No new activity since last meeting. Gibson is planning to poll the membership on whether the IFGS should have a presence on Twitter or other social platforms.
CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW TASK FORCE: The Task Force met and has begun their review of the Constitution and bylaws, and are already through the first two sections. Most of their recommended changes will be word clean-up.
CHAPTER LIAISON UPDATES: Dallas will have their Annual Banquet in March. Greene will contact Milwaukee again to see if they have an update on their Board. Denver/Boulder Chapter is running an election. Northern Alabama has games on the calendar, and plans to run another mini-game at HamaCon in June.
LARP BOX: The company has not been responding to inquiries.
UPCOMING COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Committee Chairs are reminded to notify the membership of expiring terms and call for volunteers for those positions.
NEXT MEETING: The next IFGS Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 20th. Times for the meeting are 5 pm Pacific, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, and 8 pm EST. The meeting will be held on Skype at i_f_g_s or 720.259.1667. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 pm EST.
Dallas – Evenson
Denver/Boulder – Spence
Norman – Spence
Pacific Northwest – Jones
Northern Alabama – Gibson
Greater Milwaukee – Greene
Central Ohio – Spence
Completed Tasks
Society-level electronic voting – Completed
Society Waiver Forms – Completed
Stoplight Policy – Completed
Milestone & Karma Awards – Completed
Business Cards – Available on Vistaprint
Updating Society Website to WordPress – Completed
In Process Tasks
Updating Governing Documents – In process with Society Task Force
Updated Committee Charters – In process with Society Task Force
On Hold
Character Creation System
Expand and Revise Wiki (Possibly incorporating online rules.) –
Not Started
Updating GW Handbook–
Streamlining the payment processes between Society and Chapters –
Treasury Tracking –
Shared Calendar on Website –
Creation of a Treasury Handbook –
Membership Tracking –
Link Exchanges –
Research for 8.0 Rules Set –
Society Board Members
John Jones (TX) (2019) [Pres]
Sarah Gibson (TX) (2020) [VP]
Pat McGehearty (TX) (2020)
Brad Evenson (CO) (2020)
Olan Knight (TX) (2019)
Hugh Greene (AL) (2019)
David Spence (TX) (2019)
Fantasy Rules Committee (FRC)
David Spence (TX) (2019) [Chair]
Brad Evenson (CO) (2019)
Hugh Greene (TX) (2019)
Seth Bush (TX) (2018)
David Gibson (TX) (2018)
Joshua Harris (TX) (2019) ad hoc temporary
Society Sanctioning Committee (SSC)
John Jones (TX) (2018) [Chair]
Seth Bush (TX) (2019)
Olan Knight (TX) (2018)
Kaaren Davis (CO) (2019)
Melanie Greene (AL) (2019)
General Promotions Committee (SGP)
Sarah Gibson [Chair]
Jason Dziuk (2015)
open (2014)
open (2014)
Publications Committee
Members all informal appointments –
Elections Committee
Chris Seals (TX)
Jason Dsiuk (TX)
Janice Gott (OH)
Registry Chair
Olan Knight (TX)
Tech Committee
Brett Paul (CO) Interim Chair
Robert Armstrong (TX) [potential Chair]
Bethany Vann (OK)
Sarah Gibson (TX)
Constitutional Review Task Force
Hugh Greene (AL) [Chair]
Brad Evenson (CO)
Ray Michel (CO)
Christopher Seals (TX)