Category Archives: Uncategorized

IFGS Home version!

With in-person events on hold, Dallas Chapter has turned to virtual IFGS. Henry Wood, Dallas member and former member of the FRC, has come up with a simple adaptation for playing games with the IFGS Fantasy rules at a tabletop or over Discord. Dallas members have been trying it out in their channel, and now you can, too, with Henry’s draft rules.

Constitutional Amendments

The Constitutional Review Task Force has recommended a series of changes to the Society Constitution. These amendments clean up, modernize and clarify language in the constitution, rather than putting forth any substantial change.  The current constitution, amended in 2016 is available here – Constitution 2016. A marked-up version of this constitution with the new changes inserted is available here – Constitution 2016 amended 2018 marked up


Thief Specialties

Thief Specialties

This is the 2017 – 7.1 playtest rules specialties for Thieves.

During the playtest period, PC characters will be able to play the various specializations without committing their character to that path, and PC characters may temporarily switch to the new Bard class for playtesting. In fact, PCs are encouraged to try the new specializations out and comment on them to the FRC ( Also note that no magic item using new abilities may be created during the playtest period.