Society Board Minutes 5-9-18


5/9/18 – Final

Wherein the SSC members were reconfirmed, a Chair (Spence) and Vice Chair (Wood) for the FRC were appointed. Current character specializations for playtesting were posted by the FRC. New activity from Provisional Chapter Greater Milwaukee was reported and interest in reviving the Ohio River Valley Chapter was reported.

The 5/9/18 Society Board Meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m. Eastern Time, via Discord. Present were Board Members John Jones, Brad Evenson, Hugh Greene, Pat McGehearty and Sarah Gibson. Olan Knight and David Spence were absent. Northern Alabama member Melanie Greene and Society Clerk Janice Gott were also present. Rian Socia and Natachia Attewell from Greater Milwaukee Provisional Chapter attended part of the meeting.


 MINUTES: MOTION: To approve the minutes of the 4/11/18 Board Meeting (Evenson, Gibson, by acclaim).

FRC REPORT: The FRC posted the newest versions of the proposed specializations under playtest. Movement Monk abilities are under discussion. The FRC recommends to Society that David Spence be appointed Chair and Henry Woods as Vice Chair.

MOTION: To appoint David Spence as Chair and Henry Woods as Vice Chair of the Fantasy Rules Committee (by acclaim).

SSC REPORT: The SSC recommends Knight and Jones to continue their positions on the committee, and John Jones as chair. They completed their review of the Anchor Games section, but found no discrepancies between the Bluebook and Registry Handbook rules concerning anchor games. They also held preliminary discussions on how to handle new SAS in class specializations and discussed several new projects and pending corrections.

MOTION: To appoint Olan Knight and John Jones to a term on the SSC, and John Jones as Chair (McGehearty, Evenson, by acclaim)

REGISTRY: Nothing reported.

TECH COMMITTEE: Specialization classes were posted to the Society website. John Jones volunteered to be an official member of the Tech Committee. Jones reported that no feedback has been received about content to archive on the forum, so he may make his own decisions. He has some ideas to keep ‘bots from infesting the IFGS Discord channel.

MOTION: To appoint John Jones to the Tech Committee (by acclaim).

Rian Socia and Natashia from the Greater Milwaukee Provisional Chapter arrived.

GENERAL PROMOTIONS: Nothing to report.

CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW TASK FORCE: They are trying to schedule another meeting. They will be making recommendations for amendments to the constitution to go on the fall ballot.

CHAPTER LIAISON UPDATES:  Milwaukee Chapter attended the meeting. Rian Socia said most of their props are no longer available, but they are recovering and have new energy, and intend to run a game on May 27th. They have plans in the works to do some recruiting. They would like to do some demos at gamer bars, but alcohol would be present, which is normally against the Safety rules. The Board suggested a demo, but not sanctioned and not covered by insurance. Or, no one playing the recruitment game could be drinking during the game, but could once out of game. No combat may be a good idea, and a Safety Officer would always have discretion over the eligibility of players. The chapter plans to hold some weapons practices also. They have safety questions, which Evenson volunteered to field. They are sending some games that they wrote to Society for sanctioning help.

Ohio River Valley has expressed interest in re-starting a chapter in the Cincinnati area. They have sent in several memberships.

Dallas is running two games next weekend. Alabama is playtesting a recruitment game.

SOCIETY SAFETY OFFICER: Dave Ellis (Gunner) has not been able to be active as Safety Officer. Brad Evenson would like to volunteer. Gott will contact Ellis.

NEXT MEETING: The next IFGS Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 12th. Times for the meeting are 5 pm Pacific, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, and 8 pm EST. The meeting will be held on Discord.





Dallas – Evenson

Denver/Boulder – Spence

Norman – Spence

Pacific Northwest – Jones

Northern Alabama – Gibson



Greater Milwaukee – Greene

Central Ohio – Spence





Completed Tasks

Society-level electronic voting – Completed

Society Waiver Forms – Completed

Stoplight Policy – Completed

Milestone & Karma Awards – Completed

Business Cards – Available on Vistaprint

Updating Society Website to WordPress – Completed


In Process Tasks

Updating Governing Documents – In process with Society Task Force

Updated Committee Charters – In process with Society Task Force


On Hold

Character Creation System

Expand and Revise Wiki (Possibly incorporating online rules.) –


Not Started

Updating GW Handbook–

Streamlining the payment processes between Society and Chapters –

Treasury Tracking –

Shared Calendar on Website –

Creation of a Treasury Handbook –

Membership Tracking –

Link Exchanges –

Research for 8.0 Rules Set –



Society Board Members

John Jones (TX) (2019) [Pres]

Sarah Gibson (TX) (2020) [VP]

Pat McGehearty (TX) (2020)

Brad Evenson (CO) (2020)

Olan Knight (TX) (2019)

Hugh Greene (AL) (2019)

David Spence (TX) (2019)



Fantasy Rules Committee (FRC)

David Spence (TX) (2019) [Chair]

Henry Wood (TX) (2020) [Vice Chair]

Brad Evenson (CO) (2019)

Hugh Greene (TX) (2019)

Seth Bush (TX) (2020)

David Gibson (TX) (2020)

Michael Englerth (CO) (2020)

Joshua Harris (TX) (2019) ad hoc temporary


Society Sanctioning Committee (SSC)

John Jones (TX) (2020) [Chair]

Seth Bush (TX) (2019)

Olan Knight (TX) (2020)

Kaaren Davis (CO) (2019)

Melanie Greene (AL) (2019)


General Promotions Committee (SGP)

Sarah Gibson [Chair]

Jason Dziuk (2015)

open (2014)

open (2014)


Publications Committee

Members all informal appointments –


Elections Committee

Chris Seals (TX)

Jason Dsiuk (TX)

Janice Gott (OH)


Registry Chair

Olan Knight (TX)


Tech Committee

Brett Paul (CO) Interim Chair

Robert Armstrong (TX) [potential Chair]

John Jones (TX)

Bethany Vann (OK)

Sarah Gibson (TX)



Constitutional Review Task Force

Hugh Greene (AL) [Chair]

Brad Evenson (CO)

Ray Michel (CO)

Christopher Seals (TX)