The 7/20/16 Society Board Meeting was called to order at 8:09 p.m. Eastern Time. Board Members John Jones, Hugh Greene, Olan Knight, Pat McGehearty, Brad Evenson, Dane Lyon and Sarah Gibson were present. David Spence, President of Dallas Chapter and FRC member, James Harmon, new President of ECO Chapter, Melanie Greene and Michelle Cahill from Northern Alabama Chapter also attended. Janice Gott Society Clerk also attended.
MINUTES: MOTION: To approve the minutes of the 6/21/16 board meeting (Knight, Lyon, by acclaim).
FRC REPORT: Lyon reports the FRC has met to discuss filling the open position, but has no recommendation yet.
SSC REPORT: Jones noted that he is will be sending an updated draft Bluebook out to the SSC members. Melanie Greene is interested in applying for the open position.
REGISTRY: It is time for Chapters to submit their backup registry data to Knight. ECO Chapter has not yet appointed a new Registry Chair, and Knight encouraged them to create a new registry database.
TECH COMMITTEE: No activity.
CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW TASK FORCE: Greene noted that the constitution says there should be a rules committee for each rules set. This could be used again if more than one rules set is adopted.
CHAPTER LIAISON UPDATES: Knight notes that ECO has a new President, James Harmon. ECO Chapter had a meeting, and signed up new members. The Board had lots of advice for Harmon. Dallas Chapter is trying to run a game or event each month. Greene has not heard anything from Greater Milwaukee.
SOCAL CHAPTER DISSOLUTION: Gott confirms that no information has been received about SoCal wrapping up their treasury.
MINORS POLICY AMENDMENT: Greene is still working on this.
BETWEEN MEETING MOTION: David Wood asked for a change to the makeup of his Protest Sub-committee. The Board discussed the request by email, and Gibson made a motion to continue with the current committee, which was voted upon between meetings in order to give Wood a quick response. The Board ratified their decision in this meeting.
MOTION: To ratify the motion of S. Gibson, which was “I move that the Society board deny this request for another forming of the subcommittee and allow the current committee to submit their eventual findings at the next meeting in July” (Knight, Lyon, 5-0-2, abstain McGehearty & Evenson).
CAP FOR GOLD PER GAME LIMIT CHANGE: McGehearty notes that the per game limit on CAP for Gold exchanges has severely limited hard working staff people who only occasionally play. He suggests the following change:
See page 36 of the Registry Handbook:
Current limitations on Cap4Gold
- A PC may acquire a maximum of 1000 gp per level of the PC per invocation of CAP-For-Gold.
- CAP-For-Gold is only allowed if the total [treasure value + gold] of the PC is LESS THAN 100% of the current experience points (EP) of that PC
Proposed limitations on Cap4Gold
- A PC may assign any amount of CAP for Gold until the total [treasure value + gold] of the PC reaches 100% of the PC’s experience points (EP) as of the beginning of the game where the CAP-for-Gold is applied.
Limits 1-3 unchanged.
Limits 6, 7 renumbered to 5, 6.
MOTION: To accept this change to the Registry Handbook, on PC level based limits on CAP for Gold conversion (Knight, McGehearty, 6-1-0, Evenson nay).
WELCOME TO THE NEW ECO CHAPTER CREW: The Board encouraged James Harmon in reviving the ECO Chapter, and extended offers of advice and assistance. He is near Oklahoma University, and plans to focus on attracting students.
DAVID WOOD PROTEST: The Board was called into closed session at 9:23 pm. (Lyon, Evenson, by acclaim). Present were all Board members, David Hughes, Janice Gott, David Spence and James Harmon. David Wood was invited, but did not make it to the meeting.
The closed session was opened at 10:11 pm.
MOTION: The Society Board accepts the Protest Subcommittee’s report. In light of the subcommittee’s report, the Society Board affirms the Dallas Chapter Board ban, and, pending Society Board discussion and updates to the policy on Chapter bans, the Society Board agrees that the Dallas Board may extend the ban until such time as the Society Board clarifies the policy.
The Board thanks the subcommittee for its work in this difficult matter, and the subcommittee is hereby dissolved (Knight, Gibson, 5-0-2, McGehearty & Lyon abstain).
POLICIES FOR IMPLEMENTING A BAN: The Board will review at the next meeting the policies at Society and Chapter levels regarding banning.
MOTION: In the light of the subcommittee’s report and in consideration of potential legal liabilities, I move that the Society Board initiates a permanent ban of David Wood from the IFGS (Gibson, Knight)
There was a motion to table this motion until the next meeting,
Yes: McGehearty, Greene, Lyon, Jones
No: Gibson, Knight, Evenson
The motion was tabled.
NEXT MEETING: The next IFGS Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 25th. Times for the meeting are 5 pm Pacific, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, and 8 pm EST. The meeting will be held on Skype at i_f_g_s or 720.259.1667. The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 pm EST.
Dallas – Evenson
Denver/Boulder – Lyon
Norman – Lyon
Pacific Northwest – Jones
East Central Oklahoma – Knight
Greater Milwaukee – Greene
Southern California – Knight
Northern Alabama – Gibson
Completed Tasks
Society-level electronic voting – Completed
Society Waiver Forms – Completed
Stoplight Policy – Completed
Milestone & Karma Awards – Completed
Business Cards – Available on Vistaprint
In Process Tasks
Updating Governing Documents – In process with Society Task Force
Updated Committee Charters – In process with Society Task Force
Updating Society Website to WordPress – In progress Tech Comm.
On Hold
Character Creation System-CAP4G
Expand and Revise Wiki (Possibly incorporating online rules.) –
Not Started
Updating GW Handbook–
Streamlining the payment processes between Society and Chapters –
Treasury Tracking –
Shared Calendar on Website –
Creation of a Treasury Handbook –
Membership Tracking –
Link Exchanges –
Research for 8.0 Rules Set –