Society Board Meeting Minutes 3-20-19


3/20/19 – Final

The revision of the Fantasy Rulebook is underway by the FRC. The FRC and SSC committees continued with the same members, as their expiring members were appointed to new terms. The Milwaukee Chapter is planning a meeting to talk about their summer schedule. Membership renewal season is underway. Dallas collected renewals at their banquet game, and Northern Alabama has a game planned late this month to collect memberships. Dallas Chapter has scheduled a second game writers workshop.

The 3/20/19 Society Board Meeting was called to order at 8:24 p.m. Eastern Time, via Discord. Present were Board Members John Jones, Hugh Greene, David Spence, Sarah Gibson and Shelly Ralston. Pat McGehearty was absent, and Olan Knight arrived late. Hope Fountain from ORV Provisional Chapter and Society Clerk Janice Gott were also present.


 MINUTES: MOTION: To approve the minutes of the 2/20/19 Board Meeting (Spence, Gibson, by acclaim).

FRC REPORT: Spence reports that the FRC is continuing their edit of the rulebook, and re-organizing it as well as making edits and clarifications. They recommend all committee members retain their positions, and that David Spence remain as chair.

MOTION: To re-appoint David Spence, Brad Evenson and Hugh Greene for another two year term on the FRC, and reappointing David Spence as Chair (Greene, Ralston, by acclaim).

SSC REPORT: The SSC has no new volunteers. The SSC would also like to continue with the same members.

MOTION: To re-appoint Seth Bush, Melanie Greene and Kaaren Davis for two year terms to the SSC, contingent on Kaaren’s continued willingness to serve (Gibson, Ralston, by acclaim).

REGISTRY: No activity.

TECH COMMITTEE: Jones added sidebar links for “becoming a member” and “Starting your own chapter” to the IFGS website.


CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW TASK FORCE: Their intent is to tackle the By-laws next.

CHAPTER LIAISON UPDATES:  Greene reports that the Milwaukee Chapter is holding a meeting to determine their summer schedule. He gave them some games, and they say they have some games they would like help in sanctioning. ORV Chapter ran a game last month, and turned in game reports for the four games they have run. The Dallas banquet game had 32 attendees, and they will be sending in their membership renewals. Northern Alabama will run a game on March 30th and collect their annual memberships.

Olan Knight arrived.

GAME WRITERS WORKSHOP: Dallas has scheduled a second workshop on March 30th.


 TRADEMARK RENEWAL: The chesspiece logo is up for renewal, which must be accomplished between 6/15/2019 and 6/15/2020. The Board is interested in filing for renewal.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 16th, 2019. Times for the meeting are 5 pm Pacific, 6 pm MST, 7 pm CST, and 8 pm EST. The meeting will be held on Discord.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm EST.



Dallas – Ralston

Denver/Boulder – Spence

Norman – Spence

Pacific Northwest – Jones

Northern Alabama – Gibson



Greater Milwaukee – Greene

Ohio River Valley – Knight





Completed Tasks

Society-level electronic voting – Completed

Society Waiver Forms – Completed

Stoplight Policy – Completed

Milestone & Karma Awards – Completed

Business Cards – Available on Vistaprint

Updating Society Website to WordPress – Completed


In Process Tasks

Updating Governing Documents – In process with Society Task Force

Updated Committee Charters – In process with Society Task Force


On Hold

Expand and Revise Wiki (Possibly incorporating online rules.)

Sci-Fi Rules


Not Started

Updating GW Handbook–

Streamlining the payment processes between Society and Chapters –

Treasury Tracking –

Shared Calendar on Website –

Creation of a Treasury Handbook –

Membership Tracking –

Link Exchanges –

Research for 8.0 Rules Set –



Society Board Members

John Jones (TX) (2021) [Pres]

Sarah Gibson (TX) (2020) [VP]

Pat McGehearty (TX) (2020)

Shelly Ralston (OH) (2020)

Olan Knight (TX) (2021)

Hugh Greene (AL) (2021)

David Spence (TX) (2021)



Fantasy Rules Committee (FRC)

David Spence (TX) (2021) [Chair]

Henry Wood (TX) (2020) [Vice Chair]

Brad Evenson (CO) (2021)

Hugh Greene (TX) (2021)

Seth Bush (TX) (2020)

David Gibson (TX) (2020)

Michael Englerth (CO) (2020)


Society Sanctioning Committee (SSC)

John Jones (TX) (2020) [Chair]

Seth Bush (TX) (2021)

Olan Knight (TX) (2020)

Kaaren Davis (CO) (2021)

Melanie Greene (AL) (2021)


General Promotions Committee (SGP)

Sarah Gibson [Chair]

Jason Dziuk (2015)

open (2014)

open (2014)


Publications Committee

Members all informal appointments –


Elections Committee

Hope Fountain (OH)

Janice Gott (OH)


Registry Chair

Olan Knight (TX)


Tech Committee

Brett Paul (CO) Interim Chair

Robert Armstrong (TX) [potential Chair]

John Jones (TX)

Bethany Vann (OK)

Sarah Gibson (TX)



Safety Committee

Brad Evenson (CO) [Society Safety Officer]

David Ellis (CO)


Constitutional Review Task Force

Hugh Greene (AL) [Chair]

Brad Evenson (CO)

Ray Michel (CO)

Christopher Seals (TX)