All posts by John Jones

New Web Site!

The Tech Committee has completed the project to move the Society web site to WordPress. You’re looking at it right now! We think this is a big step forward for the organization and will allow us to stay more up-to-date everywhere.

If you have any questions, comments, feedback, or if you spot a bug somewhere, please leave a comment below or let the Tech Committee know what you think!

Society Board Meeting Minutes – August 2016




The 8/25/16 Society Board Meeting was called to order at 8:09 p.m. Eastern Time.  Board Members John Jones, Hugh Greene, Olan Knight, Pat McGehearty, Brad Evenson, Dane Lyon and Sarah Gibson were present. David Spence, President of Dallas Chapter and FRC member, Brett Paul, Tech Chair, and Melanie Greene, Treasurer from Northern Alabama Chapter also attended. Janice Gott Society Clerk also attended.

Continue reading Society Board Meeting Minutes – August 2016

Society Board Meeting Minutes – July 2016




The 7/20/16 Society Board Meeting was called to order at 8:09 p.m. Eastern Time.  Board Members John Jones, Hugh Greene, Olan Knight, Pat McGehearty, Brad Evenson, Dane Lyon and Sarah Gibson were present. David Spence, President of Dallas Chapter and FRC member, James Harmon, new President of ECO Chapter, Melanie Greene and Michelle Cahill from Northern Alabama Chapter also attended. Janice Gott Society Clerk also attended.

Continue reading Society Board Meeting Minutes – July 2016

FRC Posts Playtest Classes

The Fantasy Rules Committee has released two changes to the 7.0 rules. These are the iDocumentBard class and the iDocumentCleric Specializations of Battle Cleric, Healer, and Monster Hunter.

At this time these changes are in a play-test mode and a GP must approve their use in a game. The FRC would like feedback from individuals who play in a game where these are used. Please send the feedback to the FRC along with the chapter name, game name and date of running with your comments. Constructive criticism, both positive and negative is appreciated and desired.

Since these rules are in playtest and are not finalized yet, no magic item may be created using these new abilities. If a person creates a Bard character and the class is eventually rejected or changed drastically then the player may change that PC to a different class by registering the change with his local bank representative. The FRC will post updates as they occur.

Society Board Meeting Minutes – January 1994




The meeting was called to order  at 7:09 p.m. Mountain Standard Time.  Present were Sid Pogue, Dave Gallivan, Dave Holt, Keith Phinney, Peter Sartucci, and Dan Schneider, 1993 Board members.  Board member Dave Holm was absent, proxy to Sid Pogue.  Newly elected Board Members Elizabeth Distelhorst and Eric Maloof were also present, as well as Janice Moore, IFGS Clerk, and Bradley Reeger, Safety Officer.  The meeting began with Sid Pogue as Chair.

Continue reading Society Board Meeting Minutes – January 1994