All posts by Janice Gott

IFGS film project wins Award

The IFGS received this notice:
“If anyone knows Ray Appling (she is a female), Brett Paul, and David McMillen, let them know the short film project they made (IFGS), where I was the Lead Black Hair Orc 1 (with the big round Grey Shield) won an Official Selection Award from ‘Women’s Only Entertainment Film Festival’.  I’m sure Ray, Brett, and David would love to know this and I can only image how proud of their short film they will be; I know I’m proud of them and I’m honored to have been part of this project.  Ray Appling she is an awesome film director
Here’s the link for their award winning short film (which I was honored to be part of)
Owen Hisle
[Note: This film in the style of a “trailer” was a student project for Ray Appling in 2009]

Society Board Minutes – November 2017


11/15/17 – Final

Wherein a new version of the Registry Handbook is approved incorporating Anchor Games as a game type. The discussion continues on Intellectual Property rights for game writing and Creative Commons. A new Loremaster Guide is under discussion. A decision was made to post the current 7.0 IFGS Rulebook online, in PDF format, at no charge to download. Continue reading Society Board Minutes – November 2017

Thief Specialties

Thief Specialties

This is the 2017 – 7.1 playtest rules specialties for Thieves.

During the playtest period, PC characters will be able to play the various specializations without committing their character to that path, and PC characters may temporarily switch to the new Bard class for playtesting. In fact, PCs are encouraged to try the new specializations out and comment on them to the FRC ( Also note that no magic item using new abilities may be created during the playtest period.