Here is the March 2017 Rules release from the FRC. This release contains the Optional Character Build Rules, the Bard Class, and the specializations for Cleric, Magic User and Rangers. Additional specializations will be released as they become available. Please send any feedback to FRC at IFGS.ORG. There will be a poll sent out towards the end of the season to solicit feedback from players. These rules will not become ‘official’ until the Society Board votes them as version 7.1 at the end of the year.
NOTE on Play Test Rules:
The current Optional Rules, Bard class, Cleric, Magic User, Ranger Specializations are play test only and no magic items may be created using the new abilities. Additionally, during the play testing time frame a PC is not locked into one of the new specializations since they are not ‘official’ yet. In fact, PCs are encouraged to try the different specializations and comment on them to the FRC.
The current Optional Rules, Bard class, Cleric, Magic User, Ranger Specializations are play test only and no magic items may be created using the new abilities. Additionally, during the play testing time frame a PC is not locked into one of the new specializations since they are not ‘official’ yet. In fact, PCs are encouraged to try the different specializations and comment on them to the FRC.